about sleepspot

Transforming lives through education

We're here to recharge your employees through better rest & sleep, so they can perform at their best.
Write your awesome label here.

The data that drives us

Here's what the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare says about the sleep health of Australian adults.

Poor sleep affecting their daytime performance

At least 2 sleep-related problems

Inadequate sleep most nights

These factors play a significant role in...

workplace safety | mental health | absenteeism | risk-taking | ethical decision-making | talent retention | wellbeing | motivation

Leaders need to be taking better care of their employees, and sleep is the answer.

Dr Nishi Bhopal

Certified Integrative Psychiatry Provider
SleepSpot Advisory Panel

Our vision is a world where sleep is reimagined as the catalyst for boundless possibilities

Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

At SleepSpot, our mission is to provide sleep education & support to individuals, equipping them with the knowledge, tools & skills to make informed decisions about rest & sleep health.
Through engaging and accessible programs, we aim to raise awareness on the importance of quality rest & guide individuals in developing sustainable habits for recharging every day.
We're committed to delivering evidence-based information, personalised support, & innovative solutions that will empower individuals to prioritise rest & sleep.

We strive to reshape the way of work, encouraging organisations to design work in a way that supports rest & sleep, and valuing time to recharge for a healthier, more productive, & fulfilling life for all.
Our goal is to inspire your employees to fall in love with sleep, to go to sleep when they know they should, to become efficient at sleep, to understand what to do when sleep is elusive and how to re-tune their day after a night of poor sleep.

Amanda Slinger

Founding Director, SLeepSpot

Are you ready to recharge workforce?

Let's chat about the unique needs of your organisation & employees so we can craft a program just for you.
Everyone in our team is passionate about rest & sleep, especially our Recharge Expert Obe ('Ol Blue Eyes) who's constantly reminding us of the joy's of a power nap.


Recharge Expert, SLeepSpot